Leilt Habte

Mrs. Habte earned her Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Social
Science Field Studies, from the University of
California, Berkeley. Mrs. Habte was born and raised
in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. She immigrated to the
United States at the age of 12 and has been residing
in the state of California since. She earned an
advanced degree in Law and has attained a
Doctorate of Juris Prudence (JD) from John F.
Kennedy School of Law. Mrs. Habte provides sound
legal counsel and advocacy to her surrounding
community as a volunteer, and serves as an agent of
educational transformation and advancement at the
University of California Berkeley.

Mrs. Habte’s is an Assistant Director, Academic
Counselor/ Coordinator on behalf of Community
College Transfer Center (CCTC) at the University of
California, Berkeley in the department of Center for
Educational Partnership. In her role as an Assistant
Director, she oversees various academic enrichment
programs and forges relationships across educational establishments and representatives. For over a
decade, as an academic counselor, she provided one-on-one academic transfer advising to prospective
transfer students at various California community colleges. Her strategic guidance, advising, and
sustained support has propelled the educational journey of many community college students who
successfully transferred to University of California, Berkeley. Mrs. Habte’s personal dedication and
commitment is to expand access to quality education to all deserving students. Mrs. Habte has
remarkable cultural fluency and implements her impressive social capital in her work across diverse
individuals and populations. Ms. Habte prides herself as a global citizen; an identity she cultivated from
her rich cultural background, world travels, and connections with populations that represent multiple